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Strada Romantica delle Langhe e del Roero
Magliano Alfieri

An ancient castle dominates every village of the Langhe and Roero region: the feudal age still survives thanks to many buildings which create a fairy-tale atmosphere.

The Alfieri family

Magliano Alfieri stands for the history of the Roero region: from the ancient Roman age to the feudal time, when the territory was dominated by a few aristocratic families. Here is the “kingdom” of the Alfieri family, who commissioned the construction of the imposing castle between 1660 and 1680 that dominates the town centre, and which was the residence of one of the most important Italian poets, the young Vittorio Alfieri. The castle, where you can also find the noble chapel of the Santo Crocefisso, is the property of the town hall. The castle houses the “Museo d’Arti e Tradizioni Popolari“, an interesting ethnographic museum with a characteristic section dedicated to plaster ceilings, which were carried out with a particular building technique which was widespread in farmhouses in the areas of Roero, Asti and Ovada.

Langa and Roero castles

An ancient castle dominates every village of the Langhe and Roero region: the feudal age still survives thanks to many buildings which create a fairy-tale atmosphere. The fortresses on the hilltops tell the visitors the history of this land through the names of their families, such as Falletti, Roero and Alfieri, and the legends tied to them, as in the case of the Volta Castle of Barolo and the Prunetto Castle, which became the subject of mysterious stories and superstition.

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Suggested Walk

Tap the markers on the map to know the location of the village’s buildings and special places. To learn more about their origins and to visit them have a look at the itinerary description. The letters will help you find the correspondences between the marker and the building.

Itinerary Description

Useful information

Town Hall contacts
Telephone 0173 66117

Museo delle Arti e Tradizioni Popolari – La cultura del gesso, Castello Magliano Alfieri
Il Teatro del paesaggio, Castello Magliano Alfieri
Info: www.castellodimaglianoalfieri.com

Marked trails
Roero Bike Tour (www.visitlmr.it)

How to reach the viewpoint
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