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Strada Romantica delle Langhe e del Roero

Il bello di perdersi, l’emozione di ritrovarsi.

La Strada Romantica of the Langhe and Roero is a physical and emotional journey through present and past, landscapes and literary suggestions

The itinerary
A physical and emotional journey

The eleven panoramic points are perfect places for rest and observation, inviting visitors to take time for themselves to admire the landscape.

From one stop to the next, looking at one of the most fascinating views in the world, you will come into contact with the jewels of this land: flourishing vineyards, truffles and hazelnut grove, medieval villages made of small gems of rural architecture, castles, towers and the magnificent manors that look down from up on striking peaks. La Strada Romantica of the Langhe and Roero is a physical and emotional journey: over one hundred kilometres of roads and paths set in a landscape of irresistible charm.

The project
Romantic Points
The Langhe and Roero are a mosaic of numerous landscapes, impossible to be encompassed with a single glance